Where is Hubway?

Leaflet | Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA, Imagery © Mapbox

A standard map-view of locations of all the Hubway bike stations distributed across the Greater Boston area.


  1. Drag the map to move about.
  2. Hover over station to reveal its name.

Data Source: hubwaydatachallenge.org

What are the most popular Hubway Stations?

Leaflet | Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA, Imagery © Mapbox

Filter by Station

The popularity of a given Hubway station is determined by summing the number of incoming trips to and outgoing trips from it.


  1. Filter stations by magnitude of number of (incoming and outgoing) Hubway trips using slider.
  2. Hover over station to reveal additional information.

Data Source: Hubway Ride Data 2017 | hubwaydatachallenge.org

How do popular stations relate to popular trips?

Each vertex represents a Hubway bike station. An edge between two stations represents a trip between the stations. Popular trips are determined by counting the frequency of a given start-end station pair.


  1. Hover over the circles to see which size corresponds to which station.
  2. Drag the circles to see the connections between stations.

Data Source: Hubway Ride Data 2017 | hubwaydatachallenge.org

When during the day is Hubway most popular?

Hour Popularity is determined by aggregating the number of Hubway trips within a given hour throughout the day.

Data Source: Hubway Ride Data 2017 | hubwaydatachallenge.org

Do Hubway riders move faster on specific routes?

Leaflet | Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA, Imagery © Mapbox

Average Route Speed is estimated by obtaining the shortest path betwen a start-end station pair and dividing it by the average trip duration.


  1. Click a station to reveal all outgoing trips and riders.
  2. Click a route to focus it (hide other routes).
  3. Re-click a route to unfocus it (reveal other routes).
  4. Hover over a rider to reveal route information.

Data Source: Hubway Ride Data 2017 | hubwaydatachallenge.org

Is Hubway affected by seasonal weather?

Monthly Popularity is determined by aggregating the number of Hubway trips within a month throughout the year.


  1. Slide the slider to filter out month entries.

Data Source: Hubway Ride Data 2017 | hubwaydatachallenge.org

Has Hubway popularity increased over time?

Bubble position represents the aggregated number of Hubway trips in a given year, while Bubble Size is determined by the number of unique Hubway bikes in a given year.

Data Source: Hubway Ride Data 2017 | hubwaydatachallenge.org